- Best Paper Award
Based on the reviews, we have selected the Best Paper of PIKM 2012! This year, the price goes to the paper When Big Data Leads to Lost Data by V.M. Megler and David Maier. Congratulations! Here is the picture. - Best Reviewer Award
To encourage helpful and profound reviews, the PIKM also rewards the best reviewer. This year, the honor goes to Gerard de Melo (ICSC Berkeley). The runners-up for the best reviewer award are Georgiana Ifrim (4C, Cork), and Pierre Bourhis (Oxford University). Congratulations! - Workshop Report
A workshop report containing an overview of the individual research projects presented at PIKM 2007, PIKM 2008 and PIKM 2010 were published in the ACM SIGIR Forum Journal, the ACM SIGKDD Explorations, and the ACM SIGMOD Records, respectively. It is expected that such a report will also emerge from PIKM 2012, for publication in 2013.