Disseminate your Research: Style Does Matter
In any form of scientic dissemination (research articles, oral presentations, posters, presentation to
the general public, etc.), the substance of your research is what matters most: algorithms, theoretical results, proofs, experiments, etc. But the style
of the presentation needs to be on par with the
quality of the research, if the research work is to
be accepted for publication, noticed by your peers,
and used as a foundation for future research. We
present a personal view of how style impacts the
way a research work is perceived, including hopefully useful advice to junior researchers on how to
better present their research. Illustrating with concrete examples of what-to-do and what-to-avoid,
we cover the following areas: structure of a research paper, writing style, and typography;
presentation of experiments as tables and graphs in
articles and oral presentations; dissemination of the research through online availability
of written material, datasets, and code. We point
to highly regarded reference works on these topics,
for further reading.