Homepage ADFOCS 2007 8th Max-Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science
September 3 - September 7, 2007
Saarbrücken, Germany
Homepage ADFOCS 2006


Registration on Monday morning

We meet for the first time on Monday morning on the ground floor of the MPI. The registration desk there will be open between 8:00 and 8:50 am. All lectures take place in room HS001 ('Hoersaal 1') of the computer-science building right next to the MPI, where we meet at 9:00 for a short welcome and the first lecture.

Accompanying literature available

For accompanying literature have a look at the abstracts of the lectures.

School dinner

The dinner will take place on Thursday evening at 19:30, at AMADEUS restaurant (Triererstrasse/Saargalerie). You can also look at the map here.


The excursion on Tuesday evening will be a visit to a local adventure park. To get an idea, you can watch the following video (in german) of another group visiting the park.

Please keep in mind that comfortable clothing and shoes that allow movement will be needed. A water resistant jacket might also be a good idea! We plan to reach there after lunch and the visit will probably be over by 18:30 to 19:00.

Weather forecast

For those of you who are not familiar with German temperatures. Usually we have sunshine and temperatures of up to 30° celsius (86° farenheit) for the ADFOCS week. Sometimes, however, it's much cooler.


ADFOCS 2007 is organized by Ernst Althaus, Joachim Giesen & Evangelia Pyrga. Help with local arrangements: Petra Mayer. For comments or questions send an email to adfocs07[at]mpi[minus]inf[dot]mpg[dot]de.

ADFOCS 2007 organized by Ernst Althaus, Joachim Giesen & Evangelia Pyrga. WWW page last updated on Thursday, 23 August 2007.
