Preparing your manuscript The proceedings will be published in a volume with accompanying CD of the Springer series on Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). All submissions will be rated by three reviewers in a double blind review process. Each manuscript must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines, and it must not exceed a length of ten pages. Your manuscript must be written in English and should be compiled using "pdflatex". Please start from the supplied latex class and example file. Make sure to omit author names and affiliations in the latex document; you will have a chance to specify these in the electronic conference management system. Latex novices might find the following hints useful in preparing their manuscript: - TeXnicCenter can help in preparing your document. Make sure to select the output profile "Latex=>PDF" to use pdflatex. You can also use the option "Project -> create with active file as main file" to create a TeXnicCenter project.
- pdflatex can include graphics in the following formats: pdf, png, gif and jpg. If you have eps graphics, you can convert them using tools such as eps2pdf, which in turn uses ghostscript.
For latex black belts: please use straight pdflatex and refrain from defining macros, new commands, the use of exotic packages, etc. because these may make the contributions from different authors incompatible and will make it difficult or impossible to compile the entire proceedings volume. The organizers reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines.
Submission of Camera Ready Papers
We need the following for the inclusion of your accepted contribution into the proceedings of DAGM 2008 (Pattern Recognition: 30th DAGM Symposium, Munich, Germany, June 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science))
no later than April 7th, 2008:
- Completed copyright form:
Please download the Copyright Form (LNCS) and fax the filled out form to +49-89-289-28535 (Title of the Conference: DAGM 2008). The Consent to Publish is required for copyright reasons.
- Source (input) files, packed as .zip file and uploaded via the
management system (see link below), containing:
- LaTeX source files (TEX, best is LaTeX2e) including the references (or
additional BibTex file, BIB) for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures.
- Any further style files (STY) and fonts you have used together with
your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
- Final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX/TeX).
Final PDF file (for reference).
Please make sure that the compilation is directly possible without errors after unpacking your .zip file. The texts in all files must be identical. Note that all figures will be printed in black and white. The volume editors will check the contributions, decide in which order they shall appear in the printed volume and will send the complete material on to Springer.
It is not possible to modify a paper, once it has been published. This applies to both the printed book and the online version of the publication. Every detail, including the order of the names of the authors, should be checked before the paper is sent to the Volume Editors via the conference system.
Detailed further information is provided by Springer Verlag in the LNCS Authors' Instructions (pdf).
For submitting your Camera Ready Paper, please login to our conference management system at After you logged in, please click on "View on papers" and upload the .zip-file containing all of the above mentioned files for each of your accepted papers.