DAGM conference 2011
33rd Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition
Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Link to the conference management system.


The DAGM 2011 conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. The proceedings will include all papers accepted for oral presentation or for poster presentation under the condition that at least one of the authors completes a full registration to the conference.

Authors should take into account the following rules:

Supplementary Material

Author Kit

The author kit provides a LaTeX2e template for submissions, and an example paper to demonstrate the format. Please refer to this example for detailed formatting instructions. If you intend to use something other than LaTeX to prepare your paper (e.g. MS Word), you may refer to this Springer site.

A paper ID will be allocated to you during submission. Please replace the asterisks in the example paper with your paper's own ID before uploading your file.


Paper submission is done using Microsoft CMT. The paper submission site is now open.

During the submission process you may indicate participation in the Adverse Vision Conditions Challenge. Note that submissions to the Young Researcher's Forum not submitted via the DAGM CMT system, see the Young Researcher's Forum page.


If you have questions regarding the paper submission, please contact dagm@dagm2011.org.

Imprint  —  Data Protection
