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R3-Poster Session
Thursday, 5.9., 16:05-18:30, E2.1 (Bioinformatics)

Chair: Olaf Ronneberger

The original venue of publication is given for each poster.

Registration for the R3-Poster Session is closed.

R1 Fusion of camera images and laser scans for wide baseline 3D scene alignment in urban environments
Michael Ying Yang, Yanpeng Cao and John McDonald
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 66, 2011, pp 52- 61
R2 Fast Variational Multiview Segmentation through Backprojection of Spatial Contraints
Christian Reinbacher, M. Rüther and H. Bischof
Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 30, Issue 11, 2012, pp 797 - 807
R3 Match Graph Construction for Large Image Databases
Kwang In Kim, James Tompkin, Martin Theobald, Jan Kautz and Christian Theobalt
ECCV 2012
R4 Rotation-Invariant HOG Descriptors using Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
Kun Liu, Henrik Skibbe, Thorsten Schmidt, Thomas Blein, Klaus Palme, Thomas Brox and Olaf Ronneberger
IJCV 2013 and BMVC 2011
R5 Lightweight Binocular Facial Performance Capture under Uncontrolled Lighting
L. Valgaerts, C. Wu, A. Bruhn, H.-P. Seidel and C. Theobalt
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012), Vol. 31(6), 2012
R6 Videoscapes: Exploring Sparse, Unstructured Video Collections
James Tompkin, Kwang In Kim, Jan Kautz and Christian Theobalt
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012), Vol. 31(4), 2012
R7 How Not to Be Seen - Object Removal from Videos of Crowded Scenes
Miguel Granados, James Tompkin, Kwang In Kim, Oliver Grau, Jan Kautz and Christian Theobalt
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 31(2), 2012, pp 219-228 and ECCV 2012
R8 Spatio-temporal Motion Tracking with Unsynchronized Cameras
Ahmed Elhayek, Carsten Stoll, Nils Hasler, Kwang In Kim, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt
CVPR 2012
R9 A Physically-based Approach to Reflection Separation: from Physical Modeling to Constrained Optimization
Naejin Kong, Yu-Wing Tai and Joseph S. Shin
PAMI (accepted) and CVPR 2012
R10 Detection of Texture and Isolated Features Using Alternating Morphological Filters
Igor Zingman, Dietmar Saupe, Karsten Lambers
Int. Symp. on Math. Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing (ISMM 2013)
R11 Efficient Multi-Scale Stereo of High-Resolution Planar and Spherical Images
Alan Brunton, Jochen Lang and Eric Dubois
3DIMPVT 2012
R12 Learning Smooth Pooling Regions for Visual Recognition
M. Malinowski and M. Fritz
BMVC 2013
R13 Multi-Class Video Co-Segmentation with a Generative Multi-Video Model
Wei-Chen Chiu and Mario Fritz
CVPR 2013
R14 Detection and tracking of occluded people
Siyu Tang, Mykhaylo Andriluka and Bernt Schiele
BMVC 2012
R15 Script Data for Attribute-based Recognition of Composite Activities
M. Rohrbach, M. Regneri, M. Andriluka, S. Amin, M. Pinkal and B. Schiele
ECCV 2012
R16 Cross anisotropic cost volume filtering for segmentation
V. Kramarev, O. Demetz, C. Schroers, J. Weickert
ACCV 2012
R17 Constrained fractional set programs and their application in local clustering and community detection
Thomas Bühler, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Simon Setzer and Matthias Hein
ICML 2013
R18 Seeking the strongest rigid detector
R. Benenson, M. Mathias, T. Tuytelaars and L. Van Gool
CVPR 2013
R19 A Reconfigurable Camera Add-on for High Dynamic Range, Multi-Spectral, Polarization, and Light-Field Imaging
Alkhazur Manakov, John F. Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedüs, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel and Ivo Ihrke
ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2013), Vol. 32. No. 4, pp. 47:1-47:14
R20 Open Set Lifelong Learning for Visual Recognition Problems
Alexander Freytag, Paul Bodesheim, Erik Rodner, and Joachim Denzler
contributions from: CVPR 13, SCIA 13 ECCV 12, ACCV 12, ICPR 12 and BMVC 12
R21 Taking Mobile Multi-ObjectTracking to the Next Level: People, Unknown Objects, Carried Items
Dennis Mitzel and Bastian Leibe
R22 Towards Scene Understanding with Detailed 3D Object Representations
Zeeshan Zia, Michael Stark and Konrad Schindler
PAMI and CVPR 2013
R23 Higher Order Motion Models and Spectral Clustering
Peter Ochs and Thomas Brox
CVPR 2012
R24 Discriminative Non-blind Deblurring
Uwe Schmidt, Carsten Rother, Sebastian Nowozin, Jeremy Jancsary and Stefan Roth
CVPR 2013
R25 Modeling temporal coherence for optical flow
Sebastian Volz, Andres Bruhn, Levi Valgaerts and Henning Zimmer
ICCV 2011
R26 Lost! Leveraging the Crowd for Prababilistic Visual Self-Localization
Andreas Geiger, Marcus Brubaker and Raquel Urtasun
CVPR 2013
R27 Poselet Conditioned Pictorial Structures
Leonid Pishchulin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter Gehler and Bernt Schiele
CVPR 2013
R28 Statistical Analysis of 3D Faces in Motion
Timo Bolkart and Stefanie Wuhrer
3DV (3rd joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference) 2013
R29 Discovering the Structure of a Planar Mirror System from Multiple Observations of a Single Point
Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Ayush Bandhari, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel and Ivo Ihrke
CVPR 2013
R30 Video Segmentation with Superpixels
Fabio Galasso and Bernt Schiele
ACCV 2012
R31 Object segmentation by alignment of poselet activations to image contours
Thomas Brox, L. Bourdev, S. Maji and J. Malik
CVPR 2011
