Submission Instructions:
If you want to present a poster in the Nectar Track Session, then please send an email to with subject 'GCPR Nectar Track' and the following content:
- Title of contribution
- Authors and indicate the author who will present the paper in the R3-Session
- Journal/Conference
- Volume/Year/Page No.
The poster registration must clearly indicate which corresponding original publication is presented. The condition is that the original paper has been published or accepted for publication at one of the major conferences or journals relevant to the GCPR community (e.g., ECCV/ICCV/CVPR/NIPS/ICML/PAMI/IJCV, SIGGRAPH/Eurographcs/SIGGRAPH Asia/ToG, ITS, ...) within the years 2014-2016 and that one of the authors registers for and commits to attending the conference in order to present the poster. The organisers reserve the right to refuse a contribution. Acceptance decisions will be made based on scientific quality, relevance to the community, and available space.