Short / Posters Presentations![]() ![]() Short / Posters Presentations Chairs: Isabel Navazo (E), Philipp Slusallek (D)
This session will be accompanied by a cheese & wine party!
Short / Poster Presentations
Geometric & Physics Based ModellingAdaptive Tessellation for Trimmed NURBS SurfaceMa Ying Liang Feature Interference in Free Form Template Matching
SAVANT: A New Efficient Approach to Generating the Visual Hull
Automated Enhancement of 3-D Models
Real-time 3D Deformations by means of Compactly Supported Radial
Basis Functions
Improved Integration for Cloth Simulation
MeshesAdaptive Compression of Human Animation DataAmr Adel Hassan Ahmed, Adrian Hilton, Farzin Mokhtarian Tree Balancing for Mesh Simplificiation
Interactive Polygonisation for Function-based Modelling
Mesh Decimation for Displacement Mapping
Interpolating 2D Shape Hierarchically
Visualization AlgorithmsNormal Enhancement for Interactive Non-photorealistic RenderingPaolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno, Marco Tarini Fast Volume Carving
Digital Watermarking for Volumetric Datasets
Using pre-integrated Transfer Functions in an Interactive Software
System for Volume Rendering
Rendering Artistic Line Drawings Using Off-the-Shelf 3-D Software
Rendering of Japanese Artcraft
Multi-dimensional and Multi-scale Visualizer of Large XML Documents
AnimationFrame-Coherent StipplingOscar E. Meruvia Pastor, Thomas Strothotte View Interpolation for Dynamic Scene
Knowledge-Based Representation of Cinematic Expression and its
Application to Animation
Dynamic Motion Models
Dynamics-Based Motion Synthesis by Simple Learning Control
Distance Fields applied to Character Animation
Virtual Reality SystemsConcise Tour to the Virtual Old PragueJiri Zara From Textual Chats to Interest Groups in 3D Virtual Space
Function-defined Shape Node for VRML
Modeling Visual Attention in VR: Measuring the Accuracy of Predicted
Automatic Data Acquisition and Visualization for Usability Evaluation
of Virtual Reality Systems
On the Integration of Synthetic Objects with Real-World Scenes
Texture Based VisualizationTexture Mapping on Doo-Sabin Subdivision Surfaces Using Multiple ImagesZhiyong Huang, Chee Seng Neo Hardware-Assisted Relief Texture Mapping
Texture Minification using Quad-trees and Fipmap
Improved Bump Mapping by using Quadratic Vector Interpolation
Texturing Calibrated Head Model from Images
Imaging & Rendering TechniquesImage Editing with Intelligent PaintJack Reese, William Barrett Measuring and Rendering Art Paintings Using an RGB Camera
Flexible Bump Map Capture From Video
Dependent Tests Driven Filtering in Monte-Carlo Global Illumination
Information-Theoretic Oracle Based on Kernel Smoothness for Hierarchical
An Image-Based Radiosity Representation
Geometric Algorithms & VisibilityA Method for Creating Mosaic Images Using Voronoi DiagramsYoshinori Dobashi, Toshiyuki Haga, Henry Johan, Tomoyuki Nishita The Voronoi-Quadtree: construction and visualization
Visibility Preprocessing Using Spherical Sampling of Polygonal
Reverse Diffusion for Smooth Buildup of Progressivly Transmitted
Extraction of Critical Nets based on a Discrete Gradient Vector
Rendering of Natural PhenomenaA Convolution-Based Algorithm for Animated Water WavesJörn Loviscach Real Time Animated Grass
Geometric Simplification of Foliage
Simulation of Cumuliform Clouds Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Short/Poster Presentation Programme Committee:
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