FroCoS 2011 |
FroCoS 2011: 8th International Symposium
In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation, program development and verification, artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for using specialised formalisms and inference mechanisms for special tasks. In order to be usable in practice, these specialised systems must be combined with each other, and they must be integrated into general purpose systems.
The development of general techniques and methods for the combination and integration of special formally defined systems, as well as for the analysis and modularisation of complex systems has been initiated in many areas. The International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS) traditionally focuses on this type of research questions and activities and aims at promoting progress in the field.
Like its predecessors, FroCoS 2011 wants to offer a common forum for research activities in the general area of combination, modularisation and integration of systems (with emphasis on logic-based ones), and of their practical use.
o Time: 14:00 o Place: In front of Building E1 7
Deadline extension:
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