Providing the user with an intuitive sculpting system similar to real
clay is one of the most challenging long term goals in interactive
modelling. The user should ideally be able to deform, add and remove
material, with no restriction on the geometry and topological genius
of the solid being edited. Implicit surfaces, defined as iso-surfaces
of scalar fields, are a very attractive model in such situations. This
talk reviews two alternative implicit representations, the
constructive approach versus sampled fields, and discusses their
convenience for modelling virtual clay. An implicit sculpting system
which incorporates force feedback and relies on multiresolution to
accelerate editing is presented.
Marie-Paule Cani is a Professor of Computer Science at the Institut
National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France. A graduate from
the Ecole Normale Supérieure, she received a PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Paris Sud in 1990 and the
``habilitation'' degree from INPG in 1995. She has been nominated at
the ``Institut Universitaire de France'' in 1999. Her main research
interests cover physically-based simulation, implicit surfaces applied
to interactive modelling and animation, and the design of layered
models incorporating alternative representations and LODs. Recent
applications include pattern-based texturing, the animation of natural
phenomena such as lava-flows, vegetation and human hair, real-time
virtual surgery and immersive virtual sculpting.
Marie-Paule Cani co-chaired the Eurographics workshops on Implicit
Surfaces in 1995 and on Computer Animation and Simulation in 2001. She
has been in the programm committees of Eurographics'96, Computer
Animation'99, Shape Modelling International since 1999, NPAR, ACM SCA,
Pacific Graphics and SIGGRAPH in 2002. She belongs to the editorial
board of GMOD since 2001.