High quality 3D models are quickly emerging as a new multimedia data
type with applications in such diverse areas as e-commerce, online
encyclopaedias, or virtual museums, to name just a few. This tutorial
presents new algorithms and techniques, developed by the speakers and
others, for the acquisition and real-time interaction with virtual 3D
objects. These algorithms and techniques are presented in a complete
framework for the acquisition, processing, and interactive display of
high quality 3D models.
Realistic appearance of 3D models necessitates the modeling of physical properties of an object. An object's reflectance behavior is crucial for photorealistic rendering quality and requires the measurement of accurate material properties. Recent work on the image-based reconstruction of spatially varying BRDFs enables the generation of high quality models of real objects from a sparse set of input data. This together with advanced interactive rendering techniques realistically reproduces the appearance of the original object under arbitrary viewing and lighting conditions. Beyond changes to viewing and lighting conditions, a wider class of interactions with virtual 3D object is desirable. Modeling of an object's interaction behavior requires the measurement of physical properties which govern this behavior. This tutorial will briefly introduce the University of British Columbia active measurement facility (ACME), a novel type of scanner of object interaction behavior. In particular, the scanning of the deformation behavior of soft objects is discussed in detail. |
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