5th International Fall Workshop
- Silhouette-Based Multiple-View Camera Calibration
P. Ramanathan, E. Steinbach, B. Girod
Stanford University, USA
- On the Silhouette Based 3D Reconstruction and Initial Bounding Cube Estimation
A. Y. Mülayim, V. Atalay, O. Özün, F. Schmitt
Middle East Technical University, Türkiye, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, France
- Automatic Three-Dimensional Inspection, Measurement and Detection of Errors in Transparent Pipes
R. Schmidt, U. Schramm, R. Hofmann, Y. Caulier, K. Spinnler, T. Wittenberg
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Germany
- Accurate Calibration of a Stereovision Sensor: Comparison of Different Approaches
D. Garcia, J.-J. Orteu, M. Devy
Ecole des Mines d' Albi, France, LAAS-CNRS, France
- Metrical Calibration of a Phase Measuring Triangulation Sensor
K. Veit, G. Häusler
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- A New Robust Bayesian Method for the Affine F-Matrix Estimation
S. Brandt, J. Heikkonen
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
- An MRF-Based Approach to Generation of Super-Resolution Images from Blurred Observations
D. Rajan, S. Chaudhuri
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Motion and Tracking
- Dense Structure Estimation via Regularised Optical Flow
H. Spies, N. Kirchgeßner, H. Scharr, B. Jähne
University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Motion Vector Estimation for Tracking of Hands in Video Based Industrial Safety Applications
J. Velten, A. Kummert
University of Wuppertal, Germany
- A Practical Guide to Euclidian 3D Camera Motion Estimation: Algorithm Review and Performance Analysis
P. Le Gal, J. Stauder, P. Robert
France Telecom, France, Thomson multimedia, France, IRISA/INRIA, France
- The Fast Error Search Technique - Extensions and Approximations
S. Srinivasan
Microsoft Corporation, USA
Recognition and Localization
- Orientation Estimation Based on Weighted Projection onto Quadratic Polynomials
G. Farnebäck
Linköping University, Sweden
- Object Localization by Joint Audio-Video Signal Processing
G. Wang, R. Rabenstein, N. Strobel, S. Spors
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Active Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Viewpoint Selection
M. Reinhold, F. Deinzer, J. Denzler, D. Paulus, J. Pösl
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, University of Rochester, USA
- Human Face Recognition Using Shape Information and Pseudo Zernike Moments
J. Haddadnia, K. Faeze
Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Digital Geometry Processing
- Depth Buffer Based Registration of Free-Form Surfaces
U. Labsik, R. Sturm, G. Greiner
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Feature Sensitive Sampling for Interactive Remeshing
M. Botsch, C. Rössl, L. Kobbelt
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken
- Matching 3D Freeform Shapes to Digitized Objects
J. S. M. Vergeest, S. Spanjaard, J. J. O. Jelier
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
- Linear Time Mesh Simplification with Reliable Error-Bounds
J. Vorsatz, K. Kähler, L. Kobbelt, H.-P. Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
- Quadrilateral Remeshing
K. Hormann, G. Greiner
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- A Non-Linear Subdivision Scheme for Triangle Meshes
S. Karbacher, S. Seeger, G. Häusler
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Spatial Model of Robot Environment Based on Rangefinder Measurements
P. Drapikowski, A. Kasinski
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- New Strategy and Data Structures for Partial Surface Modeling
C. Cerrada, S. Salamanca, A. Adan
E.T.S.I. Industriales, UNED, Spain, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Image-Based Rendering
- Automatic Image-Based Scene Model Acquisition and Visualization
C. Vogelgsang, B. Heigl, G. Greiner, H. Niemann
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Progressive Compression and Rendering of Light Fields
M. Magnor, A. Endmann, B. Girod
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Stanford University, USA
- Extension of Incomplete 3D for Arbitrary Multi-View-Synthesis
E. Cooke, O. Schreer, B. Pasewaldt, P. Kauff
Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Germany
- Computer Assisted Reconstruction of Buildings from Photographic Data
M. Tarini, P. Cignoni, C. Rocchini, R. Scopigno
Instituto Elaborazione dell'informazione - C.N.R., Italy
- Building Panoramas from Photographs Taken with an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera
H. Chen, W. Wang, R. Martin
University of Hong Kong, China, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- Building a Photo Studio for Measurement Purposes
M. Goesele, W. Heidrich, H. P. A. Lensch, H.-P. Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
- Rendering Details on Simplified Meshes by Texture Based Shading
D. Rose, T. Ertl
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Image Synthesis
- A Generalized Scene Graph
J. Döllner, K. Hinrichs
University of Münster, Germany
- Customized Object Hierarchies
J. Haber, M. Stamminger, H.-P. Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
- Hierarchical Radiosity with Global Refinement
M. Stamminger, A. Scheel, H.-P. Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
- Efficient Importance Sampling Techniques for the Photon Map
A. Keller, I. Wald
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, University of Saarbrücken, Germany
- Object-Space, Connectivity-Preserving, Shadow Computation
S. Ghali, E. Fiume, H.-P. Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany, University of Toronto, Canada
Flow and Volume Visualization
- Visualization of Principal Curvature Directions by Anisotropic Diffusion
U. Diewald, M. Rumpf
University of Bonn, Germany
- Interactive Visualization of Flows Using LIC and Video Streaming techniques
P. Kipfer, G. Greiner
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- VirtualFluids - an Environment for Integral Visualization and Analysis of CAD and Simulation Data
S. Kühner, M. Krafczyk
Technische Universität München, Germany
- Voxelisation: Modelling for Volume Graphics
M. W. Jones, R. Satherly
University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
- A Multilevel Segmentation Method
M. Droske, T. Preußer, M. Rumpf
University of Bonn, Germany
- Accelerating Morphological Analysis with Graphics Hardware
M. Hopf, T. Ertl
University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Semi-Automatic Shape Extraction from Tube-like Geometry
J. Bruijns
Philips Research Laboratories, Netherlands
- Automatic Adjustment of Transfer Functions for 3D Volume
C. Rezk-Salama, P. Hastreiter, J. Scherer, G. Greiner
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Accuracy of Isosurfaces in Volume Visualization
A. Pommert, U. Tiede, K. H. Höhne
University Hospital Eppendorf, Germany
Medical Applications
- Digital Mammography: Gabor Filters for Detection of Microcalcifications
B. Caputo, G.E. Gigante
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, University of Rome, Italy
- Direct Computation of Nonlinear Soft-Tissue Deformation
M. Teschner, S. Girod, B. Girod
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Stanford University, USA
- Visualization of the Pharyngoesophageal Mucosa During Tracheoesophageal Phonation
M. Tigges, T. Wittenberg, C. van As, U. Eysholdt, F. Hilgers
University Hospital Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
High Dimensional Data Visualization
- Correspondence Analysis: The Matching of 3-Dimensional Sets of Points
K. Fries, J. Meyer, H. Hagen, B. Lindemann
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, University of California, USA, Saar University, Germany
- Detecting Coplanar Sets of Points in Space
E. Pavlov, M. Luzon, M. Bercovier
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Higher Order Parallel Coordinates
H. Theisel
University of Rostock, Germany
The Organization Commitee of the 5th Fall Workshop on VISION, MODELING, AND VISUALIZATION 2000.