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MPI Informatik -> Conferences -> ADFOCS 2001 -> Accomodation


We have made agreements with Hotel Weller and City Hotel for special room rates for participants of ADFOCS 2001: 80 - 90 DEM single room, 120 -140 DEM double room; reservations for these must me made before August 3. Both hotels are very close to the city (5-10 minutes by foot), as well as close to the MPI (5-10 minutes by bus); Hotel Weller is slightly further away from the city, slightly closer to MPI, and slightly cheaper.


For reservation at Hotel Weller or the City Hotel, please make use the specific forms provided via MPI's hotel reservation web page.

Youth hostel

A cheaper way of accomodation is provided by Saarbrücken's youth hostel (Jugendherberge), which provides, for example, double rooms including breakfast at a rate of 40 DEM per night. Reservation should be made at least two weeks in advance.

Other hotels

Here is a list of hotels as provided by the Kongress und Touristik GmbH, Saarbrücken.

ADFOCS 2001 organized by Berthold Vöcking & Hannah Bast; WWW page last updated on Friday, 08 June 2001.