DAGM 2005
27th Annual meeting of the German Association for Pattern Recognition
(Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung)
Vienna, AustriaAugust 30th - September 2nd, 2005
The German Association for Pattern Recognition (Die Deutsche
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung e.V., DAGM e.V.) invites
authors and guests to their 27th annual pattern recognition symposium
DAGM05 in Vienna, Austria, August 30th - September 2nd, 2005.
It will be hosted by the Vienna University of Technology and organized by
the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Group. DAGM05 is
intended as a convention of renowned experts in all areas of pattern
recognition and image processing to present and discuss recent
progress and advances. DAGM05 will follow the open-minded tradition of
the previous symposia.