Oral Session 8: Image Analysis
Time: Friday, September 11 13:00-14:30Location: HS 3
Session Chair: Gernot Fink
Spatial Statistics for Tumor Cell Counting and Classification
Oliver Wirjadi, Yoo-Jin Kim, and Thomas Breuel -
Reading from Scratch - A Vision-System for Reading Data on Micro-Structured Surfaces
Ralf Dragon, Bodo Rosenhahn, Christian Becker, and Jörn Ostermann -
Superresolution and Denoising of 3D Fluid Flow Estimates
Andrey Vlasenko and Christoph Schnoerr -
HMM-based Defect Localization in Wire Ropes - A new Approach to Unusual Subsequence Recognition
Esther-Sabrina Platzer, Josef Nägele, Karl-Heinz Wehking, and Joachim Denzler