Poster Teaser 1
Time: Wednesday, September 9 15:00-15:20Location: HS 3
Session Chair: Michael Gösele
Poster Session 1
Time: Wednesday, September 9 15:20-16:45Location: Foyer
Single-View and 3D Reconstruction
Discontinuity-Adaptive Shape from Focus using a Non-Convex Prior
Ramnath Krishnamurthy and Rajagopalan N. Ambasamudram
Stereo and Multi-View Reconstruction
Reconstruction of Sewer Shaft Profiles from Fisheye-Lens Camera Images
Sandro Esquivel, Reinhard Koch, and Heino Rehse -
Image-Based Lunar Surface Reconstruction
Stephan Wenger, Ole Schütt, Anita Sellent, and Marcus Magnor -
Real-Time GPU-based Voxel Carving with Systematic Occlusion Handling
Alexander Schick and Rainer Stiefelhagen
Learning and Classification
Multi-view Object Detection Based on Spatial Consistency in a Low Dimensional Space
Gurman Gill and Martin Levine -
Sparse Bayesian regression for grouped variables in Generalized linear models
Sudhir Raman and Volker Roth
Pattern Recognition and Estimation
Simultaneous Estimation of Pose and Motion at Highly Dynamic Turn Maneuvers
Alexander Barth, Jan Siegemund, Uwe Franke, and Wolfgang Förstner -
Fast Multiscale Operator Development For Hexagonal Images
Bryan Gardiner, Sonya Coleman, and Bryan Scotney -
Detecting Hubs in Music Audio based on Network Analysis
Alexandros Nanopoulos
Image Analysis
Decoding Color Structured Light Patterns with a Region Adjacency Graph
Christoph Schmalz -
Use of coloured tracers in gas flow experiments for a Lagrangian flow analysis with increased tracer density
Christian Bendicks, Dominique Tarlet, Bernd Michaelis, Dominique Thevenin, and Bernd Wunderlich -
Beating the Quality of JPEG 2000 with Anisotropic Diffusion
Christian Schmaltz, Joachim Weickert, and Andres Bruhn -
Feature Extraction Algorithm for Banknote Textures based on Incomplete Shift Invariant Wavelet Packet Transform
Stefan Glock, Eugen Gillich, Johannes Schaede, and Volker Lohweg -
Video Super Resolution using Duality Based TV-L1 Optical Flow
Dennis Mitzel, Thomas Pock, Thomas Schoenemann, and Daniel Cremers -
Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts
Tobi Vaudrey and Reinhard Klette -
Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam ODF Regularization
Hans-Heino Ehricke, Kay Otto, Vinoid Kumar, and Uwe Klose