Young Researcher's Forum Presentations
Time: Thursday, September 10 9:00-9:45Location: HS 3
Session Chair: Gerald Sommer
Temporal Estimation of the 3d Guide-Wire Position using 2d X-ray Images
Marcel Brückner -
Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Object Category Discovery
Sandra Ebert -
Real-time Optic Flow Algorithms on the Cell Processor
Pascal Gwosdek -
Environment Modelling and Object Segmentation using an actively steered Time-of-Flight Camera
Falko Kellner -
Policy Search for Motor Primitives
Jens Kober -
Segmentation of Moving Objects in Stereo-Sequences Based on Scene Flow
Annemarie Meißner -
Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans Based on Second Order Surfaces with Error Propagation
Falko Schindler -
Robust 1-D Barcode Recognition on Camera Phones
Sebastian Terlunen -
Automatic Robust Medical Image Registration Using a New Vector Optimization Approach with Multiple Measures
Matthias Wacker