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MPI Informatik -> Conferences -> ADFOCS 2001

2nd Max-Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science

September 4 - 8, 2001, Saarbrücken, Germany

Bruce Maggs

Carnegie Mellon University
& Akamai Technologies

Network problems in theory and practice

David Shmoys

Cornell University

Approximation algorithms for clustering problems:
a case study in algorithm design techniques

Peter Bro Miltersen

University of Aarhus

Universal methods
for derandomization

Emo Welzl

ETH Zürich

Randomized and combinatorial methods
for LP related problems

ADFOCS is organized as part of the activities of the Algorithms and Complexity Group and the International Max-Planck Research School of the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. The scope of ADFOCS is international and it is addressed mainly to young researchers at the PhD student or postdoc level. The goal of ADFOCS is to provide an overview of selected topics from the foundations of computer science and to highlight major research directions in these areas. For more information on this year's lecturers, lectures, and schedule see the


ADFOCS 2001 organized by Hannah Bast & Berthold Vöcking; WWW page last updated on Tuesday, 24 July 2001.