DAGM conference 2011
in conjunction with GfKl conference 2011
The German Association for Pattern Recognition DAGM (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung DAGM e.V.) welcomes authors and visitors to its 33rd annual symposium on pattern recognition to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, 2011. This year, the event is hosted by the Visual Sensorics & Information Processing Lab of Goethe University of Frankfurt and takes place in conjunction with the 35th annual conference of the GfKl (German Classification Society – Gesellschaft für Klassifikation).
21 oral presentations and two poster sessions
Two invited talks from internationally renowned scientists:
- DONALD GEMAN, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Image Interpretation by Entropy Pursuit
- YANN LECUN New York University, New York, Learning visual feature hierarchies
Four Tutorials given by recognized experts:
- A) Tensors in Computer Vision and Image Processing, Klas Nordberg, (Linköping University, Sweden)
- B) Random Field Models for Natural Image and Scene Statistics, Stefan Roth, (Technical University Darmstadt)
- C) Higher-Order Feature Learning: Building a Computer Vision “Swiss Army Knife”, Roland Memisevic, (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- D) Convex Optimization for Computer Vision, Thomas Pock (Graz University of Technology), & Daniel Cremers (Technical University of Munich)
- Workshop New Challenges in Neural Computation (NC^2), organized by the GI-Arbeitskreis Neuronale Netze and the German Neural Networks Society
- Symposium of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)
- Conference organizers: The conference is organized by the Visual Sensorics and Information Processing Lab (University of Frankfurt), the Computer Vision Lab (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden), and the DataBionics group, Computer Science Department (University of Marburg).
- Conference Location: The Conference will take place at the Campus Westend, University of Frankfurt.
- Conference Dates: Main conference takes place from August 30th to September 2nd, 2011.