The VMV Symposium series is well-established as Germany’s premier symposium that covers the fields of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, and visual analytics, and it has reached significant international visibility. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary environment. As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with Eurographics.
Extended versions of the three best papers will be invited to Computer Graphics Forum.
Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications to VMV 2015. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
For this year’s conference, we offer a standard posters track as well as a special “nectar track”, see below.
Authors are encouraged to submit a poster abstract related to any area in computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization. Example works include, but are not limited to: preliminary research ideas, student projects, practice and experience reports, as well as application case studies.
Please submit an abstract of the poster (max. 2 pages, LaTeX Template) in PDF format via e-mail to Please do not forget to indicate whether you apply for the standard poster track or the nectar track.
Authors should bring a hard copy poster (in A0 portrait) for display at VMV. At least one author should register to the conference by September 14, present their poster personally and discuss their work during the poster sessions.
In case of questions, please contact the poster chair, Torsten Kuhlen: ed.nehcaa-htwr.rv@nelhuk
For this year’s conference, we offer a special poster session for participants who do not present an accepted paper at GCPR or VMV 2015. For those people, we offer a small number of high-profile slots in which they can display a poster that describes one of their best conference or journal publications within the last two years that they would like to share and discuss with the GCPR/VMV 2015 participants. The goal of the nectar poster session is to provide a compact overview of important scientific advances that the GCPR/VMV community has published elsewhere.
If you want to present a poster in the Nectar Track Session, then please send an email to ed.nehcaa-htwr.noisiv@ebiel with subject 'GCPR/VMV Nectar Track' and the following content:
The poster registration must clearly indicate which corresponding original publication is presented. The condition is that the original paper has been published or accepted for publication at one of the major conferences or journals relevant to the GCPR/VMV community (e.g., ECCV/ICCV/CVPR/NIPS/ICML/PAMI/IJCV, SIGGRAPH/Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Asia/ToG) within the years 2013-2015 and that one of the authors registers for and commits to attending the conference in order to present the poster. The organizers reserve the right to refuse a contribution. Acceptance decisions will be made based on scientific quality, relevance to the community, and available space.
Authors should bring a hard copy poster (in A0) for display at GCPR/VMV. At least one author must register to the conference by September 14, present their poster personally and discuss their work during the poster sessions.