GCPR Camera Ready Paper Submission
Camera Ready Paper Submission
Submit your camera ready paper and the corresponding copyright form to GCPR 2018 here.
Submission deadline is September 21, 2018 23:59:00 CET
The GCPR 2018 proceedings will be published as post-proceedings by Springer in the LNCS series
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

For each paper, at least one author has to be registered as normal participant at the conference by the camera ready deadline. Otherwise, your paper will not be published.
Author Kit
The author kit for the camera ready manuscripts is different from that for initial submissions. It is based on a more recent version
of the llncs.cls LNCS style file and the splncs04.bst LNCS BibTex style file.
The camera ready manuscripts have to be prepared using LaTeX2e and the provided author kit:
- Author kit for the camera ready paper
- Springer LNCS author information
- LNCS author guidelines
- LNCS LaTeX template
Paper Length
Papers may be up to 14 pages long (excluding references) and 16 pages (including references). Important: Springer will edit the provided source files in order to insert running heads etc. and to smooth out any formatting inconsistencies. Hence, do not reduce the paper length e.g. by reducing vertical spaces between paragraphs or the like, as this will be corrected by Springer, possibly resulting in an increase of the paper length. To avoid any problem, please use the author kit recommended above and follow its formatting instructions.
Author Names
Please write out author names in full in the paper, i.e. full given and family names. If any authors have names that can be parsed into FirstName LastName in multiple ways, please include the correct parsing in a comment to the editors, below the \author{} field.
Copyright Form
Authors must submit a signed Consent to Publish form, through which the copyright of their paper is transferred to Springer. Please
download the template of the form here:
GCPR Copyright Form
Please fill this form, sign it, and scan it as a single PDF file, named XXXX-copyright.PDF, where XXXX is the four-digit paper ID
(zero-padded if necessary). For example, if your paper ID is 24, the filename must be 0024-copyright.pdf. This file needs to be among
the source files you are going to submit.
You will see that the conference name and the names of the volume editors are entered in advance. One author may sign on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, provided that permission to do so has been accorded by the other authors in advance. We do not accept digital signatures. If you have any queries regarding copyright, please contact Springer or the Program Chairs well in advance of publication. Accepted papers will be published by Springer (with appropriate copyrights) electronically some weeks after the conference. Please make sure to discuss this issue with your legal advisors as it pertains to public disclosure of the contents of the papers submitted, and contact the Program Chairs if there is any sensitivity on the date of publication.
How to submit camera ready papers
1) We need all the source files (LaTeX files, style files, special fonts, figures, bib-files) that are required to compile papers, as well as the camera ready PDF. For each paper, one ZIP-file has to be prepared and submitted via the GCPR 2018 Submission Website, using the password you received with your initial registration on that site. The size of the ZIP-file may not exceed the limit of 30 MByte. The ZIP-file has to contain the following:
- All source files, e.g. LaTeX2e files for the text, PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures (RTF files for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).
- Make sure to include any further style files and fonts you may have used.
- References are to be supplied as BBL files to avoid omission of data while conversion from BIB to BBL.
- You may use sub-directories.
- Make sure to use relative paths for referencing files.
- Make sure the source you submit compiles.
- PDF file named “XXXX.pdf” that has been produced by the submitted source, where XXXX is the four-digit paper ID (zero-padded if necessary).
For example, if your paper ID is 24, the filename must be 0024.pdf. This PDF will be used as a reference and has to exactly match the output of
the compilation.
Please do not send any older versions of papers. There should be one set of source files and one XXXX.pdf file per paper. Our typesetters require the author-created pdfs in order to check the proper representation of symbols, figures, etc. - PDF file named “XXXX-copyright.PDF”: a scan of the signed copyright form (see above).
Please upload all the source files, including the camera ready XXXX.pdf and the signed copyright form XXXX-copyright.PDF, as a single ZIP file called XXXX.ZIP, where XXXX is the zero-padded, four-digit paper ID. Please upload this file in the “File Upload” page.
2) If you wish to provide supplementary material, the file name must be in the form XXXX-supp.ZIP, where XXXX is the zero-padded, four-digit paper ID as used in the previous step. Also upload your supplemental file on the “File Upload” page as a single ZIP file of 50 MB in size or less. Only ZIP files are allowed for supplementary material. You can put anything in this file – PDFs, movies, code, additional results, accompanying technical reports–anything that may make your paper more useful to readers. If your supplementary material includes video or image data, you are advised to use common codecs and file formats. This will make the material viewable by the largest number of readers (a desirable outcome). GCPR encourages authors to submit videos using an MP4 codec such as DivX contained in an AVI. Also, please submit a README text file with each video specifying the exact codec used and a URL where the codec can be downloaded. Authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper.
Check that the upload of your file (or files) was successful either by matching the file length to that on your computer, or by using the download options that will appear after you have uploaded. Please ensure that you upload the correct camera-ready PDF–renamed to XXXX.pdf as described in the previous step as your camera-ready submission. Every year there is at least one author who accidentally submits the wrong PDF as their camera-ready submission.
3) Springer is the first publisher to implement the ORCID identifier for proceedings, ultimately providing authors with a digital identifier that distinguishes them from every other researcher. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) hosts a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities to these identifiers. This is achieved through embedding ORCID identifiers in key workflows, such as research profile maintenance, manuscript submissions, grant applications and patent applications.
Please see https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/orcid for more details. We encourage all contributing authors to also apply for an individual ORCID-ID at www.orcid.org and include these in their paper with \OrcidID command. (If you get an error with \OrcidID, you probably have an older class file; please download the updated Author kit for camera ready paper)For each paper, at least one author has to be registered for attending the conference by the camera ready deadline. Otherwise, your paper will not be published.
For any question related to the publication process, please contact the Program Chairs.
Please kindly use the checklist below to deal with some of the most frequently encountered issues in GCPR submissions.
- My submission package contains ONE compiled pdf file for the camera-ready version to go on Springerlink.
- I have ensured that the submission package has all the additional files necessary for compiling the pdf on a standard LaTeX distribution.
- I have used the correct copyright form (with editor names pre-printed), and a signed pdf is included in the zip file with the correct file name.
- I have removed all \vspace and \hspace commands from my paper.
- I have not used \cite command in the abstract.
- I have read the Springer author guidelines, and complied with them, including the point on providing full information on editors and publishers for each reference in the paper (Author Guidelines – Section 2.8).
- I have entered a correct \titlerunning{} command and selected a meaningful short name for the paper.
- I have entered \index{Lastname, Firstname} commands for names that are longer than two words.
- I have used the same name spelling in all my papers accepted to GCPR.
- I have inserted the ORCID identifiers of the authors in the paper header
(see http://bit.ly/2H5xBpN for more information). - I have not decreased the font size of any part of the paper to fit into 14 pages (without references) and 16 pages (with references). I understand Springer editors will remove such commands.
- All author names, titles, and contact author information is correctly entered in the submission site. The corresponding author e-mail is given.
- At least one author has registered by the camera ready deadline.